Hurricane season is here. It’s crucial for businesses to be prepared and safeguard their operations against the potential devastation these storms can bring. From ensuring the safety of employees to protecting vital assets, comprehensive planning can make all the difference. Here’s a guide to help your business get ready for hurricane season.

1. Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Plan

Assess Risks

Identify the specific risks hurricanes pose to your business. Consider the location of your business, the structural integrity of your building, and the vulnerability of your critical systems.

Emergency Contacts

Create a list of emergency contacts, including local emergency services, insurance providers, utility companies, and key employees. Ensure this list is easily accessible.

Communication Plan

Establish a clear communication plan to keep employees informed before, during, and after a hurricane. Utilize multiple channels such as emails, text alerts, and phone trees to ensure everyone receives critical updates.

Evacuation and Shelter Plans

Outline procedures for safe evacuation if necessary. Designate safe shelter areas within your facility and identify local shelters. Ensure all employees are familiar with these plans through regular drills and training sessions.

2. Protect Your Data and IT Systems

Backup Data

Regularly back up all important data and ensure that backups are stored in a secure, offsite location or in the cloud. This ensures data can be recovered even if your physical location is compromised.

Secure IT Equipment

Move essential IT equipment to safer locations within your facility, such as upper floors or interior rooms. Consider investing in waterproof and shockproof protective cases.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Equip critical IT systems with uninterruptible power supplies to prevent data loss and damage during power outages. Ensure backup generators are functional and fueled.

3. Review Insurance Policies

Understand Your Coverage

Review your insurance policies to understand what is covered in the event of a hurricane. Ensure you have adequate coverage for property damage, business interruption, and flood damage.

Update Documentation

Keep an up-to-date inventory of your assets, including photos and receipts. This documentation will be invaluable for insurance claims.

Discuss with Your Provider

Meet with your insurance provider to discuss your coverage and any additional policies that might be necessary. Consider adding coverage for items not included in your standard policy, such as business interruption insurance.

4. Strengthen Your Physical Premises

Inspect and Repair

Conduct a thorough inspection of your building to identify any weaknesses. Repair any issues with the roof, windows, and doors to prevent wind and water damage.

Storm Shutters and Barriers

Invest in storm shutters or plywood to protect windows and glass doors. Consider installing flood barriers or sandbags to protect against water intrusion.

Secure Outdoor Items

Bring in or secure any outdoor furniture, equipment, and signage. These items can become dangerous projectiles in high winds.

5. Prepare Your Employees


Provide training on your emergency plan, including evacuation routes, shelter locations, and communication procedures. Ensure all employees understand their roles and responsibilities.

Emergency Kits

Encourage employees to have personal emergency kits at home and in the workplace. These kits should include basic supplies such as water, non-perishable food, first aid items, and necessary medications.

Remote Work Plans

Establish protocols for remote work in case your facility becomes inaccessible. Ensure employees have the necessary tools and access to continue their work from home.

6. Ensure Business Continuity

Continuity Plan

Develop a business continuity plan outlining how your business will continue to operate during and after a hurricane. Identify essential functions and personnel, and ensure critical processes can be maintained.

Vendor and Supplier Communication

Communicate with vendors and suppliers about your emergency plans and discuss how to maintain supply chains during disruptions. Establish backup suppliers if necessary.

Customer Communication

Keep customers informed about your business’s status and any potential disruptions to services. Use your website, social media, and email newsletters to provide updates.


Preparing for hurricane season is not just about safeguarding physical assets; it’s about ensuring the safety and continuity of your business and its people. By developing a comprehensive emergency plan, protecting your data, reviewing insurance coverage, strengthening your premises, preparing your employees, and ensuring business continuity, you can mitigate the impacts of hurricanes and emerge stronger on the other side.

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Frank Johnson