Author: Frank Johnson

Discover how AI drives profitability

The daily articles about the wonders of AI-powered tech might actually obscure the tangible benefits of AI for SMBs. Because we partner with some of the leading vendors of AI tech, we can show you the concrete ways in which…

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A free demo of an AI powered cybersecurity solution

AI's potential to bolster cyber resilience is welcome news as a dangerous security environment coupled with the ongoing cybersecurity talent shortage increases the risk of a breach. Book a free demo of a leading AI powered security solution that can…

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MIT scientists design AI that could predict rare disasters, like bridge collapses and rogue waves

Catastrophes are difficult to predict because they are so rare. But AI using active learning can make predictions from very small data sets. Read More...

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Delivering Data In The ‘Right Now’ Economy

This Forbes editorial highlights some of the findings of a McKinsey study on the data-driven enterprise. Read the article for an expert's analysis of the findings. Read More...

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The Hyper-Concentration Of Risk In Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity experts argue the open letter calling for a pause on GPT-4 and LLM development will do little to address cyberthreats. Read More...

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Simple Ways to Enable Flexible Work Today

Every company's needs are different when it comes to figuring out flexible schedules that work for a particular organization. However, it's clear that it's now essential to support flexibility in different work styles for your people and teams. Read the…

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Forrester TEI of Dynamics 365 Remote Assist

Mixed reality is an important part of organizations' arsenal to survive, adapt and succeed in the hybrid work era. In this Microsoft-commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study, Forrester examines the potential ROI manufacturing organizations can realize by deploying Dynamics 365 Remote…

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Eurofunk Adopts a New Strategy for Security and Usability

For customers of Eurofunk, a command center and emergency call center service provider in Austria, stable and secure system operations with low maintenance is a must. This customer story shows how VMware NSX helps Eurofunk deliver superior security and threat…

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Upgrade Your Customer Service with Aigo – The Only Chatbot with a Brain

Meet Aigo, the first and only chatbot with a brain. This pioneering technology transforms customer service, delivers personalized interactions, and significantly reduces call center costs. Explore how you can enhance loyalty and offer superior service with Aigo by watching this…

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How will AI change mathematics? Rise of chatbots highlights discussion

Machine-learning tools already help mathematicians to formulate new theories and solve tough problems. But they're set to shake up the field even more. Read More...

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