Author: Frank Johnson

Web3 adoption could come via the enterprise, but the real boom will be through startups

While the use cases in enterprise are more incremental, the real drivers of the tech might be coming from startup land. Read More...

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What is Microsoft’s Metaverse?

Microsoft believes the metaverse is here and asks us to think of it as a new version - or a new vision - of the internet, one where people gather to communicate, collaborate, and share with a personal virtual presence…

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2023 release wave 1 plans for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform now available

Discover the latest features and updates to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform in the 2023 Release Wave 1. Our experts provide insights on how these changes can benefit your business, including real-world examples of their impact. Read the blog…

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Redefining AI Training: Quality Over Quantity

phi-1, a new large language model for code, was trained on much less, but more curated data in a faster time. Read More...

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6 simple cybersecurity rules to live by

How do you train others to avoid being victims of online crime? It's all about human behavior. Read More...

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5 technologies that will transform the digital future of enterprises

Digital humans, satellite communications, tiny ambient IoT, secure computation and autonomic robots. Read More...

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What can Generative AI do for you? Free demo.

Book a free demo with an AI expert at WorkMagic, LLC to discover the latest generative AI solutions that can take your business to the next level. View: What can Generative AI do for you? Free demo.

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Identify your biggest security gaps—free consultation

If you're using ChatGPT or another relatively new AI powered tool, you're a prime target for cybercriminals eager to exploit the new tech's security gaps. To determine what you can do about it, schedule a free consultation with one of…

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Explore the solutions that’ll take your business to the next level—free demo

Keeping up with the rapidly changing tech landscape can be overwhelming. We can help you sort through the newest solutions tailored to your business's needs. Book a free consultation today. View: Explore the solutions that'll take your business to the…

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Big data market will be worth $400bn by 2030, driven by AI and ML

The big data world is undergoing a paradigm shift driven by the integration of advanced technologies such as machine learning, AI, and data analytics Read More...

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